Wednesday, February 27, 2008


I have the flu so I most likely can't go to co-op tomorrow. Sorry.


Holli said...

aw man, i was going to teach you how to play ninja tag, well get better

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

well it stank w/o u there. and ur mom came over to my house, i missed u there

Unknown said...

dude get ur sis off the internet, i'm trying to call u

John said...

I missed you too. Alot. (I would say wish you were here but then you would sick too)..... So that would kinda suck. *Cough* *Cough*

John said...

Oh by the way, Zack is as good as dead. *Smile*

Anonymous said...

For what its worth, I missed you, too. I have some more copper wire for you that I have collected on my journeys through the pet stores. I'm praying for you & your Mommy, too. Don't get her sick...she is already hurting enough.

Unknown said...

well thanks for the death promise. i would have done it my self, but my nails aren't long enough, i wasn't in heals {w/all the running i do wouldn't have been a smart choice} and i didn't have any knives soo ya. well get better so u can hang out w/me again :)

Holli said...

john, you gave Tyler the flu, now he can't come to co-op......ok, i just had to have my momment, i feel better now.

Unknown said...

its not johns fault holli, its hannahs

Holli said...

k, dude, i know im repeating Tyler. but u need to update ur blog

Unknown said...

what i emailed him about, i was soo bored. now i'm about as bored

Holli said...

see look, ur gf is bored, entertain her by updating ur blog!!!......please

Unknown said...

hey john! can u even comment on this? i wanna know wacha been up too. i had to do some major room cleaning. it was like reallllly bad in there

Cecelia said...

Johhhhhhhnnnnn, ru there ? This blog is like majorly behind ! You are better and you were at co-op Thursday so DUDE Update Your Blog !

Unknown said...

i think there r some computer/internet issues that he's facing.